March 25, 2014

Effort to keep seamless DMF access continues

From: LifeHealthPro


Users of the Social Security Death Master File, including insurers, and employer and retirement industry organizations, are putting on a strong push for interested parties to send letters to the Department of Commerce (DOC) urging prompt action on an interim rule that will ensure access to the DMF for legitimate users while the agency crafts final rules providing a certification process to the data.

In the latest development, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has posted a form for public review and comment that would permit access to the DMF through a self-certification form, according to Michael Freedman, founder of Sentinel Solutions in Philadelphia. The form is titled the “Subscriber Certification Form,” and the comment period on the form ends Monday. “This gives only a few days for the tens of thousands of users of the DMF to get the form and send it in,” Freedman said. Sentinel Solutions deals with life settlement and similar solutions.

Freedman also represents the Coalition for Death Master File Implementation and Reform, in conjunction with the American Continental Group, a D.C.-based lobbying firm. This group is amongst the groups leading a strong employer, congressional and insurer initiative aimed at maintaining seamless access to the DMF.

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