May 21, 2014

Who needs a security clearance?

From: 1500 AM

By Jason Miller


The National Archives and Records Administration’s Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) has been tackling this problem of over-classification since 2010.

John Fitzpatrick, the director of ISOO, said a group of experts have been working on a new rule to create governmentwide standards for labeling unclassified data, called controlled unclassified information (CUI).

“We are, this month, delivering to OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) the draft rule for interagency coordination. A big step in the rulemaking process as long and painful as that process can be is to get it out of our expert group and into the government interagency,” he said. “I expect then, later this year, to be out in Federal Register public review and comment phase, and on to what hopefully will be a final rule published in spring of 2015.”

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