June 13, 2014

AHA Urges Public Health EHR Readiness Registry

From: Health Data Management

Greg Slabodkin

The American Hospital Association is pushing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to promptly create a centralized repository on public health agency readiness to receive data hospitals must submit under the meaningful use program.

The association is leveraging the federal Office of Management and Budget to get quicker action from CMS by sending a letter to Howard Shelanski, administrator of OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. “CMS confirmed its plans to create the website in the agency’s final rule on Stage 2 meaningful use, which was released September 2012, but has yet to follow through,” according to the letter. “The agency should expedite its website development to support the goals of efficient electronic reporting to public health agencies and registries. Time is of the essence, as some hospitals already are attempting to meet the Stage 2 meaningful use requirements to electronically send three types of data (immunizations, reportable labs and biosurveillance) to public health and registries on a continuous basis. Many more hospitals will be required to do so beginning Oct. 1.”

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