October 20, 2014

Nearly All New Nanoengineered Chemicals Are Regulated by EPA Due to Potential Risks

From:Chemical Regulation Reporter

By Pat Rizzuto

The Environmental Protection Agency has regulated nearly all nanoengineered chemicals that it has reviewed under its new chemicals program, an EPA program manager who reviews such chemicals said Oct. 16.

By contrast, the EPA’s new chemicals program typically regulates only 10 percent to 15 percent of the traditional compounds it reviews, said Jim Alwood, a program manager in the EPA’s Chemical Control Division who coordinates nanotechnology issues under the Toxic Substances Control Act.


The agency recently submitted a proposed data collection rule to the Office of Management and Budget.

Alwood declined to speculate how long it may take for the agency to issue a final ruleā€”if the OMB approves the proposed regulation.

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