October 31, 2014

UAS: The Small UAS [unmanned aircraft systems] NPRM Takes Another Step Forward

From: Plane-ly Spoken

By Mark McKinnon and Lisa Ellman

Yesterday, we wrote about the endgame for the small UAS rule and recent comments that the process might take until 2018 to complete.  Today we would like to talk about the opening move, which occurred with little fanfare in the last few days.

Before the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) can be released for comment, it first must go through a review process at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), which is part of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) at the White House.  Plane-ly Spoken has learned that the FAA has, in fact, sent the small UAS NRPM to OIRA for their review.  This provides a golden opportunity for stakeholders to influence the process before the regulation is publicly released.

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