November 14, 2014

GAO Comptroller General Gene Dodaro: “If the data quality is not good, you’re limited in your abilities to use it”

Editor’s Note: For information on the Data Quality Act which controls the quality of virtually all data disseminated by the federal government, see here.

From: 1500AM

GAO: Not too early to track DATA Act progress

By Emily Kopp

At an event on the power of data analytics, speakers talked about its potential to solve some of government’s toughest challenges: stopping $150 billion in improper payments a year, collecting lost tax revenue, getting the Defense Department ready for its first full audit in 2017 and improving federal IT procurement by identifying bottlenecks in programs. The opportunities seem limitless.

But Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, who heads the Government Accountability Office, came to the conference, hosted by Government Executive Media Group, to burst their bubble.

“If the data quality is not good, you’re limited in your abilities to use it,” he said.

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