November 24, 2014

Major energy rule timelines pushed back

Editor’s Note: OIRA’s Introduction to the Fall 2014 Unified Agenda is here. The Fall 2014 Agency Statements of Regulatory Priorities is here.

From: The Hill

By Timothy Cama

The Obama administration is pushing back its timeline for issuing major energy regulations from the Interior Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The delays, announced late Friday in the administration’s semi-annual regulatory agenda update, mean energy companies will have to wait months longer for rules on oil and gas drilling on federal land, protecting streams from mountaintop removal mining, disclosing payments to foreign governments and other actions.

Interior’s long awaited stream protection rule will now be proposed in April, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said. At the time of its the last regulatory update in the spring, OMB expected the proposal to be made public in December.

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