March 20, 2015

ARSA: Still Nothing Generic About Generic Clearance

Editor’s Note: For information on an effort to obtain correction of data quality flaws in information collected by the FTC through a generic clearance, please see here and here. For OIRA’s May 28, 2010 Memorandum, “Paperwork Reduction Act – Generic Clearances,” see here.

From: Aeronautical Repair Station Association

On Mar. 12, ARSA submitted its continued objections to the FAA’s request for generic clearance of information collections contained in Airworthiness Directives.

ARSA again provided the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) with evidence that generic approval of information collections contained in ADs is inappropriate, and that the FAA’s supporting statement was inadequate under the Paperwork Reduction Act. ARSA gave OIRA reason to disapprove the information collection request, or at a minimum to return the request as improperly submitted due to its procedural deficiencies.

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