April 22, 2015

Advisory Committee Urges Americans to Adopt a Sustainable Diet

Editor’s Note: All federal dietary guidance must comply with the requirements of the Data Quality Act. HHS has already demonstrated that they will reject internationally-developed dietary guidelines that fail to comply with the DQA. For more information, please see CRE’s letter to HHS and USDA, CRE’s letter to WHO and FAO and HHS’s letter to WHO.

From: RegBlog | Penn Program on Regulation

A federal advisory panel tasked with recommending dietary guidelines believes that Americans should consume less meat to promote healthy and environmentally responsible eating.

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, a panel of independent experts who supply the government with scientific evidence related to diet, nutrition, and health, has decided to consider sustainability for the first time when recommending dietary guidelines. The committee’s 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Report, which could shape federal nutrition policy for the next five years, defines a “sustainable diet” as one that provides “food security for the present population while sustaining human and natural resources for future generations.”


All federal dietary guidance to the public must be consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This means the government’s decision to adopt the committee’s recommendations will impact the design and implementation of federal nutrition policy, health education, and food assistance programs for the next five years.

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