May 7, 2015

Is OSHA Burying Its Head in the Sand with Proposed Silica Rule?

From: RegBlog | Penn Program on Regulation

Health experts claim that inhaling tiny crystalline silica particles can cause respiratory impairment and may result in lung cancer. Since crystalline silica exposure is common in many occupations, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) proposed a rule recently that would reduce the risks of respirable crystalline silica in the workplace.

However, two scholars doubt the effectiveness of OSHA’s proposal. Susan E. Dudley of George Washington University and Andrew P. Morriss of Texas A&M University argue that OSHA should encourage investigations and experimentation by employers, rather than restrict them with inflexible compliance standards. They urge a performance-based approach that will bring about a “generation of better information” and allow OSHA to implement more effective policies.

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