July 30, 2015

Is CMS’s Hospital Quality Star Rating System Non-Compliant?

From: RevCycle Intelligence


The Hospital Quality Star Rating System from The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) is facing scrutiny. Some industry-wide trepidation exists about whether or not CMS’s Hospital Quality Star Ratings System will result in actionable, knowledgeable decision making, as RevcycleIntelligence.com reported earlier this week.


CRE suggests CMS allow the public to collectively comment on data collection and provide consolidated Information Collection Requests (ICRs) to OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs – especially in regard to burden cost estimates. CRE additionally requests for an explanation as to why the burden costs shown are mainly zero. CRE says such information “does not appear credible” and “could be disguised by submission of information collection requests in a piecemeal fashion and by using differing titles and explanations for the ICRs.”

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