October 8, 2015

Public Discussion Forum: Placing a Cap on Costs Imposed by Regulators

The Ask

Here is a forum where students and the public  may express their views on placing a cap on the expenditures that can be imposed on the public by federal regulators, please see http://www.thecre.com/forum2/?p=1052

The Background

When we think of regulatory governance we think of two issues:

(1) A process which requires a benefit/cost  analysis of proposed regulations and an independent review of the analysis (in sum an  OIRA), and

(2)  placing a cap on the expenditures the regulators can impose on the public.

With respect to (1) above it took 20 years to design and implement.

With respect to (2) above, OIRA has been up and running for thirty five years and neither  they, nor we,  ever got to item( 2).

Therefore we think it time to start a debate on this topic. Realizing this is a somewhat controversial issue we think it  best to start the debate in a very transparent manner.

We believe we must first  have a discussion   on  the merits of  imposing a cap as opposed to concentrating solely on the mechanism to do so; regulatory budgets are one of a number of  ways  to impose a cap or near cap.

In that in the long run students are going to make the ultimate decision we think it only appropriate to have them involved in the front end. Consequently we would appreciate  student  participation in this discussion forum  by using the comment section in the aforementioned link at  http://www.thecre.com/forum2/?p=1052

Those  students wishing to submit documents in lieu of making a  comment  may use  the “Publish A Post” feature on the right hand side of the page.

This  issue has been the subject of  a communication between CRE and the  Council on Foreign Relations, please see  http://www.thecre.com/oira_forum/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Policy-Communique-with-the-Council-on-Foreign-Relations2.pdf

Please submit your comments on this post.

Jim Tozzi       Center for Regulatory Effectiveness

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