November 2, 2015

US biotech regulation public comments

From: Biology Fortified

October 30, 2015 was the first of three public meetings to collect ideas about how to improve US biotech regulation and how the agencies conduct public outreach. You can get updates from the White House, and get notified about the next meeting. This post describes why comments matter and who should comment.

We’ve made it easy for everyone to provide comments to the White House, and you can learn more at our post: You can improve US biotechnology regulation

Why update the Coordinated Framework?

Generalized visual representation of the Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology.
Generalized visual representation of the Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology.

In his opening remarks, John Holdren said* that government needs to simultaneously fund scientific research and foster a regulatory environment that encourages innovation while protecting human health and the environment. To accomplish these tasks, the original 1986 Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology did not create new authorities. Instead, it described how existing agencies would use existing authorities to regulate biotechnology.

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