September 29, 2016

51 U.S. House Members Urge DEA & OMB To Delay “Hasty” Ban On Natural Herbal Supplement Kratom

From: Science Codex


The letters from U.S. House Members asks Shaun Donovan, director of OMB, and Charles P. Rosenberg, acting director of the DEA, to delay a final decision on the placement of kratom on Schedule I, provide ample time for public comment on this significant decision, and resolve any inconsistencies with other federal agencies regarding the use of kratom.


The letter to OMB’s Donovan points out: “The DEA published their notice of intent in the Federal Register on August 31, 2016, only 30 days before they plan to finalize this decision to place this substance in the most restrictive classification … The Agency did not provide any public comment process for this significant regulatory decision, which will restrict consumer choice and access to the internationally recognized herbal product. We believe the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), under your jurisdiction, must utilize its statutory authority to manage and oversee this specific regulatory action to ensure the DEA is not violating federal law.”

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