November 22, 2016

Obama Administration Still Wants to Release New Common Rule

From: Bloomberg/BNA | Life Sciences Law & Industry Report 

By Jeannie Baumann


“It is the goal of this administration to come out with a final rule,” Jerry Menikoff, director of the Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protections, said Nov. 14.

OHRP Deputy Director Julie Kaneshiro added, “We could certainly decide not to move forward with some of the things being proposed” in response to the public comments about the proposed new Common Rule . The final rule also could have different effective dates for different provisions, Menikoff said. Both Kaneshiro and Menikoff were part of a “Dialogue with OHRP” session Nov. 14 at Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research’s Advancing Ethical Research conference in Anaheim, Calif.

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