December 5, 2016

Jim Tozzi’s Role in Stopping the DEA from Classifying Drug in Schedule 1 Status

From: Americans for Safe Access

PFC Review Board Member, Jim Tozzi’s Role in Stopping the DEA from Classifying Drug in Schedule 1 Status

Mike Liszewski


In its sudden rush to ban kratom, the DEA also violated several fundamental statutes including the Data Quality Act, Executive Order 12866, and the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Peer Review guidelines. So in an unprecedented act, with help from Jim Tozzi and his team, the DEA withdrew their notice to classify kratom as a Schedule 1 drug. This is something that has never been done before, and the first time in DEA history that an organization was able to stop an order to place a substance in Schedule 1.

“This is an unprecedented action. It’s never happened before,” DEA spokesman Russ Bayer told The Guardian . “We’ve never withdrawn a notice to temporarily schedule any substance but we want to move through this process in a transparent manner.”

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