December 21, 2016

NSPS coalition meets with OMB

From: Feedstuffs

Six ag groups discuss the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) rule for grain elevators which is under review by OMB.

Jacqui Fatka

Earlier this month the National Grain and Feed Assn. led a coalition in meeting with the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to urge that it not allow the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue final changes to the agency’s new source performance standard (NSPS) that determines whether grain elevators are required to obtain costly permits under the Clean Air Act.

NGFA explained EPA’s NSPS revisions would include new emission limits for certain grain elevators; additional testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements; different compliance requirements for periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction; and a new method for calculating emissions from temporary storage facilities. The final rule would apply to grain handling facilities on which construction, modification or reconstruction began after July 9, 2014 – the date the proposed amendments were published in the Federal Register.

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