April 25, 2017

Remarks by President Trump at Signing of Financial Services Executive Orders

From: The White House


Secretary Mnuchin is a leader in our effort to make America competitive again.  We’re going to make it great again, we’re going to make it strong again, we’re going to make it safe again, and we’re going to make it competitive again.  I’m also issuing two directives that instruct Secretary Mnuchin to review the damaging Dodd-Frank regulations that failed to hold Wall Street firms accountable.  I mean, they’ve done really, in many cases, the opposite of what they were supposed to.  These regulations enshrine “too big to fail” and encourage risky behavior.

We’re taking steps to make our economy more fair and prosperous for all.  As part of our broader financial strategy, we’re working to open up lending to small businesses and entrepreneurs, including our incredible women entrepreneurs who are doing better and better and better.  We want opportunity for everyone and in every single part of our country.

Read Complete Remarks

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