June 6, 2017

Blockchain Technology Regulations: Harnessing Potential Means Enabling, not Restricting

Editor’s Note: Cross-posted from Regulatory Cybersecurity/FISMA Focus.

From: Notice & Comment |  A Blog from the Yale Journal on Regulation and the ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice

by Nina Gunther Kilbride

As new uses of blockchain technology become more varied and appealing, the issue of appropriate regulatory structure is a common legal theme.


Regulations for harnessing infinite digital potential.

As to new rules, a light touch should guide regulator action. The guidance of legal history is instructive in this regard, particularly for lawyers trained in U.S. common and commercial law systems. Blockchain technology will enable commercial systems to harness the productive potential of digital territory similarly to how railroads and highways allowed the U.S. to harness the productive resources of American lands and people.

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