February 1, 2018

Overseas Observation on EB-5 Reform

Editor’s Note: See CRE Petitions DHS to Reform the EB-5 Program to Create Jobs in Rural America & Areas of High Unemployment. The article below has been translated from the Chinese original.

From: www.afinance.cn

Outreach Abroad Observation | EB-5 Reform, Second Boot is Shaky


Overseas Liu Jiani: Recently, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of the United States White House (Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OIRA), The official website (WWW.REGINFO.GO) updated the implementation time of the EB-5 reform program of the United States Immigration Bureau, from September 1 this year planned for April 2018 to February 2018. What does that mean? From a professional point of view, the Immigration Department’s move is aimed at urging Congress to implement EB-5 reforms as soon as possible.

Read Complete Article [Chinese]

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