June 1, 2018

EPA submits draft in step to roll back Obama fuel rules

From: NY Times via Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette

By Coral Davenport


A spokesman for the EPA confirmed Thursday that the agency had completed its work on the proposed regulatory rollback and sent it to the White House Office of Management and Budget for review. Typically that is the final step before a proposed rule is published in theĀ Federal Register. The rules are then open for public comment before taking effect, during which the terms could still be modified.

One of the central and most controversial elements of the proposed rule would formally challenge California’s special status under the 1970 Clean Air Act to set its own vehicle pollution standards. California has said that it will continue to enforce the stricter, Obama-era pollution standards, a move that would create two separate auto markets in the United States — one with the tougher emissions requirements, and another with looser rules.

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