


Debit Card Users Could Get Dinged

From: KBND

Debit card users could wind up paying the price for a misunderstanding with legislators. Interchange fees, or the fee for service when a debit card is used, is currently paid by the merchant. But officials of banks and credit unions agree that when proponents of the law were asking for signatures on petitions and pushing the legislation they misrepresented it’s purpose. Mid Oregon Credit Union Chairman Bill Anderson. “In large part the legislation was sold to Congress as one; they would not harm financial institution that were smaller (those under $10 billion in assets. And two, that it would not harm the consumer and it has nothing to do with the consumer directly as far as the interchange fees. ” Anderson says the consumer never did pay those fees so it doesn’t actually save them any money.  The merchants pay the fees for use right now, and the legislation would cut those fees by more than half. If that happens, both banks and credit unions agree the revenue would have to be made up somewhere, most likely at a cost to the consumer.

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