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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

Information Quality Guidelines: CRE Applauds Agency Compliance with Data Quality Act as Majority of Agencies Meet Deadline for Issuing Guidelines
CRE is pleased to report that the majority of federal agencies met the May 1st deadline for issuance of proposed Data Quality guidelines, a laudable accomplishment given the complexity of the Act. Although several Cabinet agencies have yet to publish guidelines, the government's Data Quality Program is off to a strong start. Most guidelines released to date have done a good job to lay out the fundamentals, and subject to future refinements, they can be expected to lead to improvements in agency information. CRE is compiling a repository of all federal agency Data Quality guidelines, accessible either through the blue box on the CRE homepage or through the toolbar in the Data Quality issue section. The Center will also be reporting on key guidelines and amendments thereto in the coming weeks and urges readers to their submit comments to agencies of interest with a copy to CRE.

  • Click to view agency Data Quality guidelines issued to date
  • CRE Regulatory Services
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