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Data Quality Guidelines
By Agency

Data Quality







Cabinet Departments






Department of Agriculture

CRE Comments

CRE Comments to NASS

CRE Comments to ERS

Regulations Under Development

USDA Guidelines -- Background

USDA Guidelines -- Organizational and Management Information

USDA Guidelines -- Programs, Products, and Services Information

USDA Guidelines -- Policy, Legislative, Regulatory, Standards, and Enforcement Information

USDA Guidelines -- Research Information

USDA Guidelines -- Statistical Information

USDA Guidelines -- General Reference Information

Procedure to Seek Correction of Information Disseminated by USDA

67 FR 41951 (6/20/02) (Notice and Comment Extension)

USDA Guidelines - Background (Revised)

NASS Information Quality Guidelines

NASS Request for Public Comments

NASS Procedure to Seek Correction of Information

Economic Research Service (ERS) Guidelines

Final Guidelines

National Agricultural Statistics Service
Final Guidelines

Information Correction Procedures

Foreign Agricultural Service
Correction Information

Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
Data Quality Contact Information




Department of Commerce

CRE Comments

CRE Comments to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

CRE Comments to National Institute of Standards and Technology

CRE Comments to NOAA

CRE Comments to Bureau of Industry and Security

CRE Comments to National Technical Information Service

CRE Comments to Office of Financial Management

CRE Comments to Bureau of Economic Analysis

CRE Comments to Economics and Statistics Administration

CRE Comments to Economic Development Administration

CRE Comments to Office of Organization and Management Support

CRE Comments to Technology Administration

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 22398 (5/3/02) (Includes Guidelines by Office of Secretary)

Commerce Guidelines

67 FR 38931 (6/6/02) (Comment Period Extension)

67 FR 22052 (5/2/02)
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Guidelines

National Institute of Standards and Technology Guidelines

Bureau of Industry and Security Guidelines

National Technical Information Service Guidelines

Technology Administration Guidelines

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Guidelines

International Trade Administration Guidelines

Economic Development Administration Guidelines

Bureau of Economic Analysis Guidelines

Economic and Statistics Administration Guidelines

Office of the Secretary Guidelines (Financial Information)

Office of the Secretary Guidelines (Non-scientific, non-financial, non-statistical information)

67 FR 62685 (10/8/02)

Final Guidelines: Dept. of Commerce

Final Guidelines: Office of the Secretary

Final Guidelines: Bureau of Industry and Security

Final Guidelines:Economics and Statistics Administration

Final Guidelines: Bureau of Economic Analysis

Final Guidelines: Economic Development Administration

Final Guidelines: International Trade Administration

Final Guidelines: Minority Business Development Agency

Final Guidelines: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Final Guidelines: National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Final Guidelines: Technology Administration

Final Guidelines: National Institute of Standards and Technology

Final Guidelines: National Technical Information Service

Patent and Trademark Office
67 FR 62444 (10/7/02)

Final Guidelines




Department of Defense

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

Main DoD Semi-Annual Agenda

Federal Acquisition Regulation Semi-annual Agenda

67 FR 21229 (4/30/02)

DOD Guidelines

Fed. Reg. notice of Final Guidelines

DOD Guidance Memoranda




Department of Education

CRE Comments

CRE Comments to NCES

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21641 (5/1/02)

Education Website Notice

What is Section 515

Education Draft Guidelines

67 FR 39962 (6/11/02) (Comment Period Extension)

NCES Overview

NCES Statistical Standards

2002 Draft NCES Statistical Standards

NCES Review and Adjudication

NCES Confidentiality Procedure

NCES Restricted Use Data Licenses Procedures

NCES Task Force on Quality Systems

NCES Research Projects

67 FR 62043 (10/3/02)

Dept. of Ed. Final Guidelines

National Center for Education Statistics Final Guidelines

NCES Overview

2002 NCES Statistical Standards

Review and Adjudication

Confidentiality Procedures

Restricted Use Data Licenses Procedures

Amending an Existing License

Requesting a Restricted Use Data License

Task Force on Quality Systems

Research Projects




Department of Energy

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 47777 (7/22/02) (Includes DOE guidelines)


67 FR 62446 (10/7/02)

Final Guidelines

Information Correction Request Page

Energy Information Administration

Final Guidelines




Department of Health & Human Services

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21685 (5/1/02)

HHS Website Notice

67 FR 39096 (6/6/02) (Comment Period Extension)

HHS Guidelines: Table of Contents

HHS Guidelines: Part 1

Guidelines: Office of the Secretary

Guidelines: Administration for Children and Families

Guidelines: Administration on Aging

Guidelines: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Guidelines: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Guidelines: National Center for Health Statistics

Guidelines: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Guidelines: Food and Drug Administration

Guidelines: Health Resources and Services Administration

Guidelines: Indian Health Service

Guidelines: National Institutes of Health

Guidelines: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

67 FR 61343 (9/30/02)

Final HHS Data Quality Guidelines

Administration for Children and Families Guidelines

Administration on Aging

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

National Center for Health Statistics

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Food and Drug Administration

Health Resources and Services Administration

Indian Health Service

National Institutes of Health

Office of the Secretary
(Includes: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Office of the Inspector General, Office of Public Health and Science)

Agency Contacts for Information Correction Requests

National Center for Health Statistics
Final Guidelines




Department of Housing and Urban Development

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 37851 (5/30/02)

HUD Guidelines

67 FR 41255 (6/17/02) (Comment Period Extension)

67 FR 69642
(includes guidelines)




Department of the Interior

CRE Comments

CRE Comments to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

CRE Comments to Mineral Management Service

CRE Comments to Bureau of Reclamation

CRE Comments to Fish & Wildlife Service

Regulations Under Development

Interior Guidelines

67 FR 47829 (7/22/02) (DOI Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement guidelines)

67 FR 50687 (8/5/02) (Notice of Bureau-specific guidelines)

National Park Service Guidelines

Fish & Wildlife Service
- General Info

- Guidelines

Bureau of Indian Affairs Guidelines
(Unavailable on website due to litigation. CRE has requested copy from agency and hopes to post shortly.)

Bureau of Land Management
- Overview

- Guidelines

Minerals Management Service Guidelines

U.S. Geological Survey Guidelines

Bureau of Reclamation
- Overview

- Guidelines

Final Guidelines

U.S. Geological Survey
67 FR 62259 (10/4/02)

Final Guidelines

Minerals Management Service
67 FR 62988 (10/9/02)


Final Guidelines

Fish & Wildlife Service
67 FR 64407 (10/18/02)

Final Guidelines

National Park Service
67 FR 66662 (11/1/02)

Final Guidelines

Bureau of Land Management
Final Guidelines

Bureau of Reclamation
Final Guidelines

Bureau of Surface Mining
Final Guidelines




Department of Justice

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 34475 (5/14/02)

Justice Guidelines

67 FR 62266 (10/4/02)

Final Guidelines

DOJ OIG Guidelines

Bureau of Justice Statistics
Final Guidelines




Department of Labor

CRE Comments

CRE Comments to Bureau of Labor Statistics

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21776 (5/1/02)

DOL Website Notice

DOL Guidelines

67 FR 39050 (6/6/02) (Comment Period Extension)

Bureau of Labor Statistics

DOL-BLS Data Quality Guidelines

DOL-BLS Data Integrity Guidelines


OSHA Website Notice

MSHA Website Notice

Draft OSHA/MSHA Risk Analysis Details

67 FR 61669 (10/2/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Final Guidelines




Department of State

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21794 (5/1/02)

State Department Website Notice

State Department Guidelines

Proposed FORM DS-__ "Request for Correction of Public Information"

Final Guidelines




Department of Transportation

CRE Comments

CRE Comments to NHTSA

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21319 (4/30/02)

Docket Information

DOT Guidelines

67 FR 39096 (6/6/02) (Comment Period Extension)

Final Guidelines

Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Statistical Guidelines and Standards




Department of the Treasury

CRE Comments

CRE Comments to IRS

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 30761 (5/7/02)

Treasury Guidelines

67 FR 21801 (5/1/02)

IRS Website Notice

IRS Guidelines

Final Guidelines

Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Final Guidelines

U.S. Customs Service

Final Guidelines

Information Correction Form

Financial Management Service
Final Guidelines

Office of Thrift Supervision
Final Guidelines

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Final Guidelines

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Final Guidelines

United States Secret Service


Final Guidelines

Administrative Complaint Mechanism

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Final Guidelines

Bureau of Printing and Engraving
Final Guidelines

Departmental Offices
Final Guidelines

Bureau of Public Debt
Information Correction Procedures

Internal Revenue Service
Final Guidelines




Department of Veteran Affairs

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 40388 (6/12/02) (Includes DVA Guidelines)

67 FR 61726 (10/1/02)

Final Guidelines




Other Executive Agencies






Agency for International Development

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21620 (5/1/02)

AID Background Information

AID Guidelines

67 FR 61574 (10/1/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Census Bureau

CRE Comments

Census IQ Homepage

Census Guidelines

Census Correction Procedures

Final Guidelines: Census Bureau - Overview

Final Guidelines: Census Bureau - Guidelines

Final Guidelines: Census Bureau - Correction Procedures




Corporation for National and Community Service

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 41406 (6/18/02)

CNCS Guidelines

67 FR 42548 (6/24/02) (Correction Notice)

CNCS Corrected Guidelines

Final Guidelines




Council of Environmental Quality

CRE Comments

67 FR 35814 (5/21/02) (Includes Guidelines)

67 FR 42255 (6/21/02) (Comment Extension)

67 FR 65354 (10/24/02)

Final Guidelines




Environmental Protection Agency

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21234 (4/30/02)

EPA Information Quality Guidelines Homepage

EPA Guidelines

67 FR 42254 (6/21/02) (Comment Extension)

67 FR 63657 (10/15/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 31305 (5/9/02)

EEOC Proposed Guidelines

How to Submit Comments to EEOC

67 FR 62719 (10/8/02)

Final Guidelines


Federal Emergency Management Agency


67 FR 64900 (10/22/02)

Final Guidelines


Farm Credit Administration


Final Guidelines


Federal Statistical Agencies

67 FR 38467 (6/4/02) (Includes Statistical Agency Guidelines)





General Services Administration

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

Main GSA Semi-annual Agenda

Federal Acquisition Regulation Semi-annual Agenda

67 FR 38279 (6/3/02)

GSA Information Quality Guidelines for Section 515

GSA Data Integrity Appeals Process

GSA Data Integrity Correction Form

Opportunity for Public Comments to GSA

To View Public Comments to GSA

Final Guidelines




National Aeronautics and Space Administration

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

Main NASA Semi-annual Agenda

Federal Acquisition Regulation Semi-annual Agenda

67 FR 37873 (5/30/02) (Includes NASA Guidelines)

Final Guidelines

OIG Implementation of Guidelines




National Archives and Records Administration

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21280 (4/30/02)

NARA Website Notice

NARA Guidelines

67 FR 62270 (10/4/02)

Final Guidelines

What do I need to know about NARA's information quality?




National Credit Union Administration

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 30976 (5/8/02) (Federal Register notice with Guidelines)

NCUA Guidelines (Website Posting)

67 FR 63452 (10/11/02)

Final Guidelines




National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities

CRE Comments

CRE Comments to the National Endowment for the Humanities

Regulations Under Development

Institute of Museum and Library Services

National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Humanities

67 FR 41528 (6/18/02) (National Endowment for the Arts - Notice and Guidelines)

67 FR 51891 (8/9/02) (National Endowment for the Humanities - Notice and Guidelines)

67 FR 61927 (10/2/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines

Institute of Museum and Library Services
Final Guidelines

National Endowment for the Arts
Final Guidelines

National Endowment for the Humanities
Final Guidelines




National Science Foundation

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21778 (5/1/02)


DRAFT NSF Guidelines

67 FR 61353 (9/30/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines

Science Resources Statistics Guidelines




National Transportation Safety Board


Final Guidelines




Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 15580 (4/2/02)

OFHEO Guidelines

67 FR 63672 (10/15/02)


Final Guidelines




Office of Government Ethics

CRE Comments

67 FR 49694 (7/31/02)

- Website Notice

- Guidelines

67 FR 62474 (10/7/02)

Final Guidelines




Office of Management & Budget

CRE Comments

Public Comments

Regulations Under Development

OMB-specific Guidelines

67 FR 21779 (5/1/02)

67 FR 40755 (6/13/02) (Comment Period Extension)

OMB Supplemental Data Quality Guidance (9/5/02)

OMB Supplemental DQ Guidance (8/29/03)

Peer Review Guidance, 68 FR 54023 (9/15/03)

Revised and Re-proposed Peer Review Guidance and Request for Comments, 69 FR 23230 (4/28/04)

Proposed Bulletin on Risk Assessment (Jan. 9, 2006)

OMB press release on proposed bulletin on risk assessment (Jan. 9, 2006)

Federal Register notice of OMB proposed bulletin on risk assessment (Jan. 17, 2006)

OMB peer review agenda summary of peer review process for its proposed bulletin on risk assessment

OMB Releases Draft Bulletin For Good Guidance Practices (11/23/05)

Proposed Bulletin for Good Guidance Practices

Comments on Proposed Bulletin on Good Guidance Practices

OMB Government-wide Interim Final DQ Guidelines (9/28/01)

OMB Government-wide Supplemental Final DQ Guidelines (2/22/02)

OMB Supplemental DQ Guidance Memorandum (6/10/02)

Final OMB-specific DQ Guidelines (10/1/02)

67 FR 61701 (10/1/02)

OMB Memo on Executive Branch DQ Implementation (10/04/02)

Peer Review Guidelines (12/15/04)

Peer Review Guidelines Final FR

OMB Memorandum M-5-03: Issuance of OMB's Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (12/16/04)

Public Comment on Peer Review Guidelines

OMB Federal Register Notice for Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (1/14/05)

OMB’s "Final Bulletin for Agency Good Guidance Practices" (1/18/07)

Further Amendment to Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review (1/18/07)

EO 12866 (as further amended)

Memorandum For The Heads Of Executive Departments And Agencies (9/19/07)

Statistical Policy Directive No. 4: (3/7/08)

OMB Library


Office of National Drug Control Policy

CRE Comments

67 FR 38959 (6/6/02) (Includes ONDCP Guidelines)

67 FR 64889

Final Guidelines




Office of Personnel Management

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 49968 (8/1/02)

- Overview

- Guidelines




Final Guidelines




Office of Science and Technology Policy

CRE Comments

67 FR 31305 (5/9/02)

OSTP Guidelines

67 FR 65154 (10/23/02)

Final Guidelines


Overseas Private Investment Corporation

67 FR 53628

Draft Guidelines

Final Guidelines

Information Correction Form




Peace Corps


67 FR 62081 (10/3/02)


Final Guidelines




Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21779 (5/1/02)

PBGC Guidelines

67 FR 40032 (6/11/02) (Comment Period Extension)

67 FR 61702 (10/1/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Railroad Retirement Board

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

RRB Introduction

RRB Request for Comments

RRB Guidelines

RRB Information Correction Procedure

RRB Online Correction Request Form

67 FR 22470 (5/3/02)


Final Guidelines


Selective Service System

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 38690 (6/5/02) (Includes SSS Guidelines)

Final Guidelines

Information Correction Form




Small Business Administration

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 38540 (6/4/02)

SBA Guidelines

67 FR 41291 (6/17/02) (Comment Period Extension)

67 FR 61715 (10/1/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Social Security Administration

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

Section 515 Background

Section 515 Guidelines

SSA Information Quality Guidelines

Procedure to Seek Correction of Information Under Section 515

67 FR 21009 (4/29/02)

67 FR 61717 (10/1/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Tennessee Valley Authority

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 22158 (5/2/02)

TVA Draft Information Quality Report

TVA Guidelines

67 FR 62279 (10/4/02)

Final Guidelines

Information Quality Report




U.S. Trade Representative Office

CRE Comments

67 FR 30413 (5/6/02)

Draft Guidelines

Final Guidelines




Independent Regulatory Agencies




Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board

67 FR 55000 (8/27/02)

Draft Guidelines

67 FR 61575 (10/1/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Commodity Futures Trading Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 19558 (4/22/02)

CFTC Guidelines

67 FR 41219 (6/17/02) (Comment Period Extension)

67 FR 62234 (10/4/02)

Final Guidelines

Request for Correction of Information Form




Consumer Product Safety Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21222 (4/30/02)

CPSC Guidelines

Feedback Form

67 FR 63382 (10/11/02)

Final Guidelines


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

67 FR 58591 (9/17/02)
(includes guidelines)


Export - Import Bank of the U.S.

CRE Comments

67 FR 50435 (8/2/02) (Includes guidelines)

Ex-Im Bank Guidelines

Final Guidelines


Federal Communications Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21682 (5/1/02)

FCC Background Information

FCC Guidelines

67 FR 63924 (10/16/02)


Final Guidelines

Complaint Form




Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21682 (5/1/02)

FDIC Background Information

FDIC Guidelines

FDIC Electronic Public Comments Form

67 FR 61340 (9/30/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

FERC Guidelines

67 FR 30378 (5/6/02)

Final Guidelines




Federal Housing Finance Board

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 15203 (3/29/02)

FHFB Guidelines

67 FR 61626 (10/1/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Federal Maritime Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 37805 (5/30/02)

FMC Guidelines

67 FR 41727 (6/19/02) (Comment Period Extension)

67 FR 62246 (10/4/02)

Final Guidelines




Federal Reserve System

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21683 (5/1/02)

Fed Guidelines

Final Guidelines

Request for Correction




Federal Trade Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21684 (5/1/02)

FTC Website Notification

FTC Guidelines

Final Guidelines


International Trade Commission

CRE Comments

67 FR 38293 (6/4/02) (Includes ITC Guidelines)

67 FR 61922 (10/2/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Merit Systems Protection Board

CRE Comments

67 FR 21777 (5/1/02)

MSPB Website Request for Comment

MSPB Guidelines

67 FR 61168 (9/27/02)

Final Guidelines




National Labor Relations Board


67 FR 61927 (10/2/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Nuclear Regulatory Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 22463 (5/3/02) (Includes NRC Guidelines)

NRC Website Notice

67 FR 39750 (6/10/02) (Comment Period Extension)

NRC Background Materials

Draft NRC Report to the Office of Management and Budget on Information Quality

Draft NRC Information Quality Guidelines for Public Comment

NRC Focus Questions

NRC Information Quality Comment Form

67 FR 61695 (10/1/02)
(includes Final Guidelines)




Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board

67 FR 47575 (7/19/02) (Includes guidelines)

NWTRB Guidelines

67 FR 61699 (10/1/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines




Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission

CRE Comments

67 FR 22469 (5/3/02)

OSHRC Guidelines

67 FR 62275 (10/4/02)

Final Guidelines




Securities and Exchange Commission

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 21785 (5/1/02)

SEC Guidelines

SEC Guidelines -- Correction Notice (67 FR 32071, 5/13/02)

67 FR 62508 (10/7/02)

Final Guidelines




Special Counsel Office

CRE Comments

67 FR 21316 (4/30/02) (Includes Guidelines)

67 FR 45168 (7/8/02) (Comment Period Extension)

67 FR 61946 (10/2/02)

Final Report to OMB

Final Data Quality Guidelines


Surface Transportation Board

CRE Comments

Regulations Under Development

67 FR 15450 (4/1/02)

STB Guidelines

67 FR 61725 (10/1/02)

Final Data Quality Guidelines