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CRE Comments


CRE Generic Comments to All Federal Agencies on Data Quality Guidelines
CRE has provided written comments to all federal agencies that have published proposed Data Quality guidelines. The sample letter provided below was submitted to the Department of Commerce, but it is representative of letters sent to most agencies. In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached two papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability.

CRE also submitted detailed, agency-specific comments on the Data Quality guidelines of select agencies (e.g. CDC/ATSDR, FDA, FTC, DOL, EPA) which can be accessed by below. However, all CRE comments may be viewed by clicking on "CRE Comments" under each agency under the Data Quality guidelines matrix.

  • Click to read CRE's letter to Department of Commerce
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act guidelines
  • Click to access the Data Quality matrix with all agency guidelines and CRE comments to each agency
  • Click to submit a comment

    Department of Agriculture

    CRE Submits Additional Supplemental Comments to USDA on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided further supplemental written comments to USDA on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. These comments raise additional points on handling correction requests and also discuss the definition of the term "utility."

  • Click to to review CRE's additional supplemental comment letter to USDA
  • Click to submit a comment

    Department of Energy

    CRE Submits Comments to DOE on its Proposed Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided written comments to the Department of Energy (DOE) on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. CRE's comments commend DOE for specifically adapting the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) risk assessment standards for environmental risk assessments. However, the Center also recommended several changes in DOE's proposed guidelines, for example urging application of the Data Quality guidelines' petition process to rulemakings.

    In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached two papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to Department of Energy
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act Guidelines
  • Submit a comment

  • CRE Files Notice of Intent to Sue DOE for Violation of the Data Quality Act
    CRE filed notice of its intent to sue the Department of Energy (DOE) for violation of its nondiscretionary duty to publish proposed Data Quality Act guidelines for public notice and comment. DOE is the only Cabinet-level agency that has failed to comply with its duties under the Data Quality Act, despite a prior request by CRE for publication of proposed guidelines. DOE's proposed guidelines must be sent to OMB by August 1st, and they must be published in final form by October 1st. Consequently, DOE's inexplicable violation of the statutory deadlines for publishing proposed guidelines has already significantly diminished the public's right to submit meaningful comment. Given CRE's historical involvement in the Data Quality Act, this may be the first in a number of judicial actions that CRE will file. For example, CRE may sue agencies whose Data Quality guidelines do not comply with OMB's government-wide guidelines.

  • Click to review CRE's Notice of Intent to Sue DOE
  • Click to review CRE's earlier request to DOE regarding publication of Data Quality Act guidelines
  • CRE Regulatory Services

  • Department of Interior

    CRE Submits Comments to Fish & Wildlife Service on its Proposed Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided specific written comments to the Department of Interior's Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. CRE's comments expressed doubts about the legality of the many exemptions contained within those guidelines. CRE also asked FWS to adapt or adopt the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) risk assessment standards, as required by OMB's government-wide Data Quality guidelines.

    In addition to its letter comments, the Center also attached two papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to Department of Interior's Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act Guidelines
  • Click to submit a comment

    Environmental Protection Agency

    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Supplemental Comments to EPA on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided supplemental written comments to EPA on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its supplemental cover letter, the Center has attached comments submitted to EPA by the Department of the Air Force on the perchlorate risk assessment. This attachment is provided because it is relevant and applicable to the Data Quality issues raised by EPA's current ban on third party clinical humn test data.

  • Click to review CRE's supplemental comment letter to EPA
  • Click to review the Department of the Air Force's comments to EPA
  • Click to submit a comment

    CRE Submits Additional Supplemental Comments to EPA on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided further supplemental written comments to EPA on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. These comments raise additional points on handling correction requests and also discuss the definition of the term "utility."

  • Click to to review CRE's additional supplemental comment letter to EPA
  • Click to submit a comment

    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Comments to EPA on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided specific written comments to EPA on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its letter, the Center has attached four papers: (1) CRE comments specific to EPA's Data Quality guidelines; (2) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; (3) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability; and (4) CRE's Human Testing Petition to EPA.

  • Click to read CRE's Comments letter to EPA
  • Click to review CRE's specific comments on EPA's Data Quality guidelines
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act guidelines
  • Click to review CRE's Human Testing Petition letter to EPA
  • Click to view Exhibits to the CRE Human Testing Petition
  • Click to submit a comment

    EPA Ban on Third Party Clinical Human Test Data Violates Data Quality Act
    CRE has informed EPA that the agency's ban on third party clinical human test data, pending National Academy of Sciences (NAS) review, violates the Data Quality Act. In its letter to EPA, the Center points out that these data are among the best available information regarding any substance's risk to human health, and the Act requires the agency to consider and use the best available data on health risks. Therefore, EPA's categorical refusal to consider these data is a clear violation of the Act and OMB's implementing Data Quality guidelines. CRE urges EPA to change its position now. CRE is including this letter as part of its comments on EPA's proposed Data Quality guidelines.

  • Click to read CRE's letter to EPA
  • Click to read Exhibits to the CRE letter
  • CRE Regulatory Services
  • Click to submit a comment

    CRE Submits Comments to EPA on the Agency's Data Quality Guidelines
    EPA, in a precedent-setting move, has requested public comments prior to proposing the agency's conforming Data Quality guidelines. CRE applauds this step designed to promote early public involvement and input, and urges other agencies to adopt this approach. CRE has taken this opportunity to address a number of issues which should be considered by other federal agencies in drafting Data Quality guidelines. CRE is making its comments available immediately so as to be useful in the context of the Data Quality Workshop being hosted by the National Academy of Sciences on March 21-22. CRE encourages all interested parties to submit their input on CRE's comments.

  • Read review CRE's comments to EPA on the agency's Data Quality guidelines.
  • Submit a comment to the EPA
  • Submit a comment to CRE
  • CRE Regulatory Services

    CRE Seeks Public Disclosure of EPA's Multi-Pollutant Air Emission Model
    EPA is using an ICF Model to predict the economic effects of multi-pollutant air emission legislation being considered by Congress and the Administration. These modeling results could have a major impact on both the legislation and the economy. Their accuracy and reproducibility are critically important. Yet EPA has not allowed public review of and comment on the Model. Given the importance of this issue, CRE has sent EPA's Chief Information Officer a letter urging her to disclose the Model to the public. CRE has also filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the Model and related documents.

  • Click for CRE's letter to EPA's Chief Information Officer
  • Click for CRE's FOIA request
  • Comment on Item

    CRE Data Quality Petition to EPA on Global Climate Change
    CRE is concerned that EPA disseminates public documents (such as Federal Register notices and Internet Website pages) that lead readers to believe that we know as scientific fact that: (1) global climate change is occurring because of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases; and (2) the effects will include numerous specific adverse effects on human health and the environment. CRE petitioned EPA to correct a recent Federal Register notice, by publishing a notice alerting readers about the considerable scientific uncertainties surrounding the issue of global climate change. CRE also petitioned EPA to assure that all future EPA public documents that describe potential global climate change include a statement about scientific uncertainties.

  • Read CRE's petition to EPA.
  • Read EPA's Federal Register notice.
  • Comment on Item
  • View past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items

    CRE Petitions EPA to Modify EPA's Global Warming Website to Correct the Misleading and Incorrect Presentation of Information to the Public


    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Comments to FTC on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided specific written comments to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached two papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies= attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to FTC
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act guidelines
  • Click to submit a comment


    CRE Submits Additional Supplemental Comments to HHS on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided further supplemental written comments to HHS on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. These comments raise additional points on handling correction requests and also discuss the definition of the term "utility."

  • Click to to review CRE's additional supplemental comment letter to HHS
  • Click to submit a comment

    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Comments to CDC/ATSDR on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided specific written comments to CDC on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached two papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to CDC/ATSDR
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act guidelines
  • Click to submit a comment

    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Comments to FDA on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided specific written comments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached three papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies= attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability; and (3) CRE's earlier letter to FDA recommending applicability of the Data Quality guidelines to the activities of the interagency Risk Assessment Consortium which deals with food safety risks.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to FDA
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act guidelines
  • Click to review CRE's earlier letter to FDA
  • Click to submit a comment

    Data Quality Act: CRE Requests HHS/FDA Data Quality Guidelines Address Reduced Risk Initiatives
    CRE has written HHS to request that, in view of the FDA's responsibilities as Chair of the federal interagency Risk Assessment Consortium (RAC), the Department should ensure uniform, government-wide Data Quality standards for evaluating risk reduction initiatives.

  • Click to read CRE letter to HHS
  • CRE Regulatory Services
  • Click to submit a comment


    CRE Submits Comments to DOL on the Risk Analysis Portion of its Data Quality Guidelines (Applicable to OSHA/MSHA)
    CRE has provided written comments to DOL on the Risk Analysis portion of its proposed Data Quality guidelines relating to OSHA/MSHA. The Risk Analysis section was released separately by the agency, after issuance of the rest of the DOL guidelines. CRE's comments raise serious concerns regarding DOL's "adaptation" of the SDWA guidelines. Specifically, DOL's proposed guidelines would not set minimum quality standards for risk-related information.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to DOL on the Risk Analysis portion of its Data Quality Guidelines
  • Click to submit a comment

    CRE Submits Additional Supplemental Comments to DOL on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided further supplemental written comments to DOL on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. These comments raise additional points on handling correction requests and also discuss the definition of the term "utility."

  • Click to to review CRE's additional supplemental comment letter to DOL
  • Click to submit a comment

    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Comments to Department of Labor on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided specific written comments to the Department of Labor (DOL) on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached two papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to DOL
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act guidelines
  • Click to submit a comment

    Federal Data Quality Act: CRE Files Data Quality Guideline Development Guide with DOL
    CRE has provided the Department of Labor with a Working Draft white paper, Developing DOL's Data Quality Guidelines: A Step-by-Step Guide, designed to assist DOL in developing their Data Quality guidelines. A key issue discussed in the CRE guide is a discussion of the Department's duty to establish a standard for information reproducibility. CRE recommended that DOL's reproducibility standard include specific tests of robustness for all information subject to the reproducibility requirement to ensure that any and all test results are reliable.

  • Click to read CRE letter to DOL
  • Click to read CRE white paper
  • CRE Regulatory Services


    CRE Submits Comments to OMB on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has submitted comments to OMB on its OMB-specific proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached four papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability; (3) Comment on EPA's proposed Data Quality guidelines submitted by the ABA Section on Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, and (4) supplemental comments specifically related to risk issues.

  • Review CRE's comment letter to OMB
  • Read CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act Guidelines
  • Click to review the ABA's comments on EPA's Data Quality Guidelines
  • Click to review CRE's supplemental comments related to risk issues
  • Comment on Item

    CRE Submits Comments on "Reproducibility" Standard in OMB's Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE submitted comments to OMB on the "capable of being substantially reproduced" standard included in the agency's final Data Quality guidelines. The reproducibility standard was issued on an interim final basis, and OMB accepted additional public comments on that key aspect of the guidelines through October 29, 2001. CRE strongly supports OMB's reproducibility requirement as a standard of care for governmental information. If information is not sufficiently robust that it cannot be reproduced by independent parties across testing environments, it should not be deemed adequately reliable for dissemination to the public. CRE urges OMB to retain this important aspect of the guidelines.

  • Read CRE's Comments to OMB
  • Read CRE's Supplemental Comments to OMB
  • Click to read more about the Data Quality Act and related issues
  • Comment on Item

    Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

    CRE Submits Additional Supplemental Comments to OSTP on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided further supplemental written comments to OSTP on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. These comments raise additional points on handling correction requests and also discuss the definition of the term "utility."

  • Click to to review CRE's additional supplemental comment letter to OSTP
  • Click to submit a comment

    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Comments to Office of Science and Technology Policy on its Data Quality Guidelines
    The Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP) proposed Data Quality guidelines impose statutes of limitation for filing administrative correction petitions. Petitions that are not filed within very short periods of time after the information is disseminated could never be filed at all. These deadlines for filing petitions are so short that they would in effect deny the right to file a Data Quality petition to anyone who does not follow OSTP on a daily basis. CRE does not believe that Congress intended to restrict Data Quality petitions in this manner. CRE's comments urge OSTP not to impose these statutes of limitation for filing petitions. In addition, CRE's comments ask OSTP to address the issue of how the Data Quality guidelines apply when interagency committees, comprised of several federal agencies, disseminate information. OSTP is an appropriate agency to address this issue because it is involved in several of these interagency committees. CRE's comments propose an approach to this issue.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act Guidelines
  • Click to review the ABA comments on EPA's Data Quality
  • Click to submit a comment

    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Comments to Office of Science and Technology Policy on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided written comments to the agency on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached two papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act Guidelines
  • Click to submit a comment

    CRE Requests Withdrawal Of The National Assessment On Climate Change On Federal Data Quality Act (FDQA) Grounds
    CRE has requested that the United States Global Change Research Program and the Office of Science and Technology withdraw the First National Assessment on Global Climate Change because it violates the objectivity, utility and reproducibility requirements of the Data Quality Act and OMB's guidelines implementing the Act. More specifically, the National Assessment violates the Act and OMB's guidelines.

  • Read CRE's request for withdrawal of the National Assessment
  • Comment on Item
  • View past CRE Regulatory Action of the Week items


    CRE Proposes Alternative to Additional Regulation of the Securities Market
    Over-regulation of Corporate America will reduce innovation and suppress economic growth. As is usual when there is a failure in the markets, the government's first instinct is to respond with additional regulatory proposals, without first studying ways to strengthen the existing regulatory system. It is this habitual discarding of existing systems and the creation of new ones that contributes to an increase in the federal regulatory reach. A case in point is the current failures in the securities markets. Congress is considering passage of laws to expand regulation of corporations and to create a vast new regulatory bureaucracy to check financial reports. However, before such steps are taken, CRE recommends consideration of the alternative of applying Data Quality Act guidelines to the corporate data submitted to the SEC. CRE has under consideration a proposal to develop Data Quality standards specific to financial reports; CRE welcomes your views on developing this proposal. In particular, applying the Data Quality Act to corporate filings at the SEC is an alternative to creation of the Accounting Oversight Board contained in the Senate bill.

  • Read more, including CRE's letter to the SEC Chairman recommending consideration of the Data Quality Act approach
  • CRE Regulatory Services

  • Transportation

    Information Quality Guidelines: CRE Submits Letter to NHTSA Recommending Points for Inclusion in Agency's Proposed Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE recently sent a letter to the Administrator of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) to recommend points for inclusion in the agency's proposed Data Quality guidelines. The Center's letter made suggestions regarding the standard of care for agency information prior to issuance, applicability of the guidelines to third-party submissions, procedures and deadlines for agency action on petitions, availability of administrative appeals, standards for "influential" information, and the applicability of the guidelines to enforcement actions. CRE hopes its comments are useful to NHTSA in preparing its proposed guidelines.

  • Click to view CRE's letter to NHTSA making recommendations on the agency's proposed Data Quality guidelines
  • Click to view CRE's letter to NHTSA urging diligent application of the Data Quality guidelines to the agency's upcoming review of CAFÉ standards
  • Click to submit a comment