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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

Information Quality Guidelines: CRE Issues Comments to All Federal Agencies on their Proposed Data Quality Guidelines
In order to assist federal agencies in meeting their duties under the Data Quality Act and OMB's guidelines, CRE has submitted comments to all federal agencies that have issued proposed Data Quality guidelines. For most agencies, the Center provided Generic Comments with cross-cutting issues relevant to most or all agency guidelines, along with a Legal Memorandum challenging agency attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the guidelines coverage. For other specific agencies (e.g. DOL, FTC, FDA, CDC, EPA), CRE also issued a set of agency-specific comments. All of CRE's comments are available on the Data Quality guidelines matrix, under "CRE Comments" for each agency. However, a sample comment to the Department of Commerce is provided immediately below.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to the Department of Commerce
  • Review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Review the CRE Legal memorandum
  • Click to access the Data Quality matrix with all agency guidelines and CRE comments to each agency
  • CRE Regulatory Services