NOTE TO STAKEHOLDERS: e-peer review request

Central to the efficient operaton of  TPSAC  is to have its  decisions based upon peer reviewed studies.

Please post studies that you believe should be subject to peer review in the “Study and Concepts Under Review” forum to the right.

In addition feel free to offer your comments on any of the studies posted on the site. You need not register or disclose your name.

To this end,  please submit comments on the Hersey etal study.  We would also welcome comments on our analysis of the said study.

If the webpage on your computer does not display a capability to submit a file, simply click on the “Tobacco  Advisory Forum” under the “Links” section of ” Studies and Comments Under Review”  web page in the upper right hand corner of the page  and majically one will appear.


Whether you endorse, or take exception thereto,  the decisions of TPSAC  now is the time to express your opinions.  Rest assured members of the Advisory Committee and the FDA monitor this Interactive Public Docket, as does the media–no shows could send the wrong message.

N. B.  To ensure  we benefit from the  always present legal community–we also encourage them to furnish their views on governance issues in the “Governance and DQA Compliance”  Forum.  ( This is not to suggest that we do not look forward to the views of attorneys on scientific issues–if regulatory nerds can practice law, we see no reason that attorney’s can not participate in technical discussions.)

2 comments. Leave a Reply

  1. CRE

    In response to a number of emails.

    First ,you may contact us by clicking on “Contact the Forum: under Important sites in the right hand column of the home page.

    Second, if you send an email, as opposed to making a post, we release no emails unless you request that we do.

    Third, we do not wish to, nor can we, access your email address or name when you make a post.

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