Members Statements Forum: Henningfield On Cessation

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To this end Dr.  Henningfield made the following statement at the March 30, 2010 meeting:

Thank you. There is three areas that you have covered, initiation,  dependence, and cessation; and I have a question  that’s really the same for all of them. 
In all of these each of these areas each of you show one or more studies that show no,  what I will call, adverse effects, like increased  initiation. And one or more studies that showed the  increased adverse affect. And I’m trying to get a  sense –I approach this not thinking what’s right or what’s wrong; they are documented. So I’m trying  to get a sense of what information you also had that  you didn’t have time that would bear on that?
So Dr. Rising, on the switching, in the  Kaiser study found four times people were four  times more likely to switch to menthol than the  other way around. Depending on the extent of that,  if that’s at the expense of cessation, then that’s a  serious public health concern. But the other study  show no affect.  So is there any information that gives us  an idea of what is happening in the population, how  frequently people switch; and if switching is at the  expense of cessation?
 In general, not tons of information on that.
 Kind of other caveats I would give with that information  is, you know, so that study data was from 1979 to  1986. So how relevant that is to what’s going on with adults smoking menthol cigarettes today, you know, definitely kind of an open question.

Editors Note Please provide your views on these topics in the  “Comments ” section below. If you have particular studies that address this concern please post them in the  Members Statement Discussion Forum.

In particular CRE would like your views on whether Board deliberations on this matter should be delayed until which time the aforementioned information  is made available to the  public for comment.

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