FDA Plans Tobacco PR RFPs

O’Dwyer’s  Blog
The Food and Drug Administration is planning two solicitations this month for PR programs funded under the 2009 law that imposed new warnings and regulations on tobacco products and gave the FDA authority over the sector.

Both RFPs are intended to select pools of firms to compete for and handle communications projects over the next five years for assignments related to the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act passed in January 2009. That law gave the FDA the authority to address both tobacco dependence and its use by young people, nearly a decade after the Supreme Court said in 2000 that the FDA didn’t have such power.

One RFP will be geared for large-scale, national PR efforts, while the second focuses on targeting at-risk and underserved populations.

The FDA said the RFPs will be released on or before September 30. The resulting contracts will be with the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products.

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