Dissolvable tobacco a concern for health experts

Editors Note:  In the CRE testimony to TPSAC on  Modified Risk Products,  CRE  stated that:

the marketing of modifiable risk tobacco products will be permitted when it is reasonably clear that:

1.  The new product will not be more harmful than existing products; and

2.  There is a reasonable scientific basis indicating the new product has the potential to reduce the risk of adverse health effects from consumption of tobacco products.”

Complete testimony at http://www.thecre.com/tpsac/?p=1652

Some health experts are now stating that dissolvable tobacco products are targeted towards  youth notwithstanding the following statement which is buried in the article.

“But we weren’t able to find any of the tobacco products that look like candy.”

As CRE also stated in its testimony there can not be a  modified risk tobacco products program if the default position of the FDA and its health constitutency is abstinance.

Source: YNN

UNITED STATES — With more and more places banning smoking, it’s becoming tougher and tougher for smokers. That’s one of the reasons tobacco companies are experimenting with smokeless, spitless dissolvable products, like snus, orbs, sticks and strips.

“One of the tag lines I think was that it’s easily used ‘anytime, anywhere’ and so it’s part of that is targeted towards adults who are current tobacco users but can’t use tobacco products in their workplace because of tobacco free policies,” said Chris Owens, the St. Joseph’s Tobacco Cessation Center Coordinator.

But cancer experts believe the fun shapes, flavors and subtle nature of the product when it’s being used were created for a much different reason: To recoup some losses from the dramatic reduction in adult smokers.

“The main purpose I think of the tobacco companies is hook kids on nicotine, gradually increase the content of the nicotine products that they use and eventually, they will begin to smoke,” said Dr. Leslie Kohman, the Medical Director of the Upstate Cancer Center.

“They’re getting young individuals hooked before they’re mature enough to make the decision whether to use tobacco or not because they’re marketed with the same kind of labels as candy products,” said Owens.

When we went to find out how accessible these products were to kids, we found Snus at every smoke shop and gas station we went to. But we weren’t able to find any of the tobacco products that look like candy. Still, some vendors we spoke with say there has been an increased demand for them. But regardless of what these products might look or taste like, doctors say they’re still dangerous.

“Mouth cancer. Esophagus cancer. Stomach cancer. Bladder cancer. Even tooth decay and gum disease and a number of other health conditions. And they are a gateway to tobacco smoking,” said Kohman.

A federal law has given the FDA new authority over tobacco products, but so far, experts say little has been done.

Anti-smoking advocates say they would like to see more regulation of these products, including changing the labeling so they don’t look as appealing to children.

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