E-cigarette Regulations and FDA Workshops

From: White Cloud Electronic Cigarettes

Customer Service Sentinel, Guest Blogger and Regulations Expert Tim Zeller is back to explain the FDA’s e-cigarette regulation workshops.

On Monday, March 9, the FDA will begin the second of three expected e-cigarette regulation workshops. The first e-cigarette regulation workshop took place in 2014. Before the second workshop starts on Monday, we’re going to try to clarify the sometimes difficult-to-understand aspects about the FDA’s role in the e-cig industry. What is the purpose of FDA e-cigarette workshops? Are they going to regulate the e-cigarette industry? What e-cigarette regulations are being considered?

To start, let’s go back to last year, when the FDA announced that they were developing deeming regulations for e-cigarettes, stating their intent to regulate the popular devices in the interest of public health. As an e-cigarette company we are supportive of science and evidence-based regulation, at an appropriate level, that is in the interest of harm reduction and public health.

Some FDA & E-cig Regulation History

Although April 2014 was when the FDA announced their plan for deeming regulations, their attempts to regulate e-cigs date back to 2009. The FDA originally intended to regulate e-cigs as medical drug delivery devices and, in 2009, a large shipment of e-cigs was seized while it was being imported into the country.

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