FDA Misses Deadline for E-Cig Regulations

From: Klein Moynihan Turco, LLP

Following up on our post from last Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it will not meet its midnight deadline to submit proposed tobacco regulations.  The FDA will also miss deadlines to publish a consumer-friendly list of dangerous chemicals found in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or e-cigs) and testing / reporting requirements for tobacco ingredients and additives.  Unfortunately, the FDA is not required to abide by the deadlines that it sets for itself, nor is it assessed any penalty for missing such deadlines.

Current E-Cig Regulations

Notwithstanding the foregoing, based on this morning’s press release, the proposed regulations, which will likely target the e-cig industry, are near completion and can be expected for public comment and scrutiny in the near future.

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