Vaporizing American Jobs

From: US News & World Report

By Peter Roff | Contributing Editor for Opinion


When Turner and the others started what became the successful Vapewild brand, they had just 30 employees. The concept was a relatively new idea in the vaping business and the brand took off like a rocket. By the end of 2016, they had grown their operation to more than 320 employees, a number of them combat veterans, spread across two facilities located around Dallas, Texas, plus a four-person operation in Ireland acting as a fulfillment center for European customers. The product was all manufactured in the United States. Everything was going great. Then the roof fell in.


“They placed regulations on us that imposed pretty major hurdles on our ability to stay in business. We spent over $100,000 just on registering the company and the products as they demanded and that was before we had to deal with the pre-market tobacco application,” Turner says. “Anything we made had to be subjected to a rigorous, cost prohibitive longitudinal study we would have to commission and pay for. It would cost millions,” money the small but prosperous and growing business just didn’t have.

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