Why regulating e-cigs and smokeless tobacco differently is illogical

From: VapingPost

By Diane Caruana

The FDA is infamous for having regulated all “tobacco products” including all known safer alternatives such as vaping products, as their combustible counterparts. Dr. Dorothy Hatsukami, a renowned tobacco researcher and author of a significant amount of published articles sent a letter to Scott Gottlieb commending him for his openness towards harm reduction, whilst urging him to regulate tobacco products according to their risks and “support informed choice through truthful communication of risk.”

“There is already a considerable body of science and experience suggesting that a harm reduction approach…could yield substantial and highly cost-effective public health benefits…at this time we do not believe that the current regulatory framework for the low-risk nicotine products such as e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco is appropriate or will deliver the substantial public health benefits we hope and expect FDA’s oversight will bring.” reads Hatsukami’s letter.

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