FDA launches ANPRM pertaining to e-liquid flavours

From: Vaping Post

Following last week’s announcement by FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, in which he listed the major policy goals that are in store for the coming year, the agency launched an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM), pertaining to e-liquid flavours.

By Diane Caruana


“Certain flavors are generally recognized as appealing to youth, such as gummy bear and cotton candy, while others, such as coffee and cinnamon, may not be as obvious. In this notice, FDA would request information on how best to regulate flavors in tobacco products to limit appeal to youth and prevent youth initiation and use of tobacco products.” ANPRM Abstract

“This ANPRM will seek information on how it might regulate flavors in tobacco products to limit appeal to youth while taking into account the potential role that some flavors may play in helping some users transition away from combusted products. Certain flavors are generally recognized as appealing to youth, such as gummy bear and cotton candy, while others, such as coffee and cinnamon, may not be as obvious. In this notice, FDA would request information on how best to regulate flavors in tobacco products to limit appeal to youth and prevent youth initiation and use of tobacco products.” read the ANPRM Abstract.

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