FDA Chief may have just threatened vaping a 42-word tweet

From: Vapes

Posted by Matt Rowland

As rumors of a possible FDA ban on flavored e-liquids spreads across the vaping industry, an eerie tweet from the agency’s Commissioner Scott Gottlieb is getting a great deal of attention.  Posted on February 17, Dr. Gottlieb seems to be issuing a warning to American vapers.  Stop underage vaping or face the consequences.

In just 43 short words, the vaping community gets an inside look into the mind of the FDA Chief regarding the possible future of vaping.  The tweet in question simply states the following.

“Adults can’t favor preserving properly regulated e-cigarettes as an alternative for smokers who quit combustible tobacco, and not at same time vigorously oppose child access to e-cigs. The industry isn’t sustainable if it leads to a whole generation of youth initiation on tobacco”

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