The Power of the Public to Block Regulatory Restrictions that Limit Consumer Choice

Editor’s Note: For a case example of the public’s power to block a regulatory decision—in this case a DEA Schedule 1 listing—by employing a civilized, substantive social media campaign, see the Kratom Policy Forum.

Vape shop owners and customer should post their own experiences with and views on flavored tobacco products here.

From: CBS SF Bay Area

Smokers Mount Fight Against Flavored Tobacco Ban In San Francisco

San Francisco Supervisors approved the ban last year, but now the issue is on the June ballot. One group told KPIX 5 there is more to the ban than just public health.


“We just legalized marijuana. Now you want to ban menthol cigarettes?” asked Shawn Richard, who was against the flavored tobacco ban. “I mean come on. For real? That doesn’t make any sense.”

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