FDA threatens to pull new products from nearly two dozen e-cigarette companies

From: CNBC

  • The Food and Drug Administration sends letters to 21 e-cigarette manufacturers.
  • Regulators want to know whether the companies illegally introduced more than 40 new devices and nicotine liquids to the market without first agency approval.
  • Juul, the clear market leader, did not receive a letter because regulators already obtained the information.


The FDA sent letters on Friday to 21 e-cigarette manufacturers requesting information to investigate whether they illegally introduced more than 40 new devices and nicotine liquids to the market without receiving agency approval.

Business units of Big Tobacco companies British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands and Japan Tobacco are among the manufacturers that received letters. Juul, the clear market leader, did not receive a letter because regulators already obtained the information during a recent surprise inspection of the company’s San Francisco headquarters.

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