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CRE Watch List

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  • December 2010-

  • Senate Bill to Improve Accuracy and Transparency of NASA Climate Data

    Happy Birthday Wishes to the Data Quality Act

    EPA Moves Forward With Greenhouse Gas Regulations

    EPA Launches Website Promoting Transparency For Regulatory Actions

    EPA Uses Clean Water Act in Call for States to Address Ocean Acidification

  • November 2010-

  • EPA Proposes New EDSP Actions

    BP Spill Commission Announces Open Meetings

    EPA Publishes EDSP Guidance for Comment

    EPA Announces National Meeting on Pesticide Aquatic Effects

  • October 2010-

  • The Ninth Circuit Does Not Want To Be The Court Which Opens The Door To Legalizing Medical Marijuana

    CRE's Proposed Interactive Public Dockets-Tilting the Regulatory Process Further in Industry's Favor

    EPA's Science Advisory Panel Meets on Pesticides and Climate Change

  • September 2010-

  • EPA Seeks Comment on Joint NOX and SOX Review

    Center for Regulatory Effectiveness Invokes Data Quality Act Against FDA Menthol Studies

    FDA Tobacco Advisory Committee is in Violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act

  • August 2010-

  • EPA to Hold a Public Hearing on Greenhouse Gas Permits

    FDA Holding Public Workshop on Nanotechnology and Medical Devices

    Environmental Justice Council Holds Public Meeting On Incorporating Environmental Justice Concerns In Permits

    Financial Agencies Submit Joint Report to Congress

    OMB's List of Agency Contacts and Compliance Assistance for Small Business Concerns

  • July 2010-

  • CMS Proposes More Affordable Care Act Rules

    IRS, Labor and HHS Publish Interim Final Health Care Rules with a Request for Comment

    CMS Proposes New Medicare Payment Rules

    NOAA Seeks Comment on Strategic Plan

  • June 2010-

  • GAO Issues EPA Nano Reg Report

    EPA Trains its Staff in DQA Compliance

    Federal Recognition of Interactive Public Dockets

    Tozzi: CMS Gets a Pass on Bid Program Information Requests

  • May 2010-

  • Government Seeks Revision of Prime Time Opinion in D.C. Circuit; Court Declines

    Who’s Watching the Watchdogs?

    NOAA Seeks Comment On Its Arctic Vision And Strategy

    CPR on the Prime Time Decision

    Commerce Seeks Comment on Information Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy

  • April 2010-

  • D.C. Circuit Beats 9th Circuit to the Punch: The Data (Information) Quality Act is Subject to Judicial Review

    OMB Issues Memorandum on Paperwork Reduction Act Applicability

    FDA Tobacco Meeting

  • March 2010-

  • EPA Seeks Comment on Its Drinking Water Regulation Review

    EPA Announces Pesticides Meetings

    April 1 EPA Call on Promoting Environmental Stewardship

    NOAA Seeks Comment on how to Improve Communication with Stakeholders

    Researchers Say Data Quality Act is Incentive for Award Winning Risk Analysis Paper

  • February 2010-

  • EPA Extends Comment Period for Its Endangered Species Climate Change Guidance

    NMFS Finds that 82 Species of Coral May Be At Risk from Climate Change

    CRE's Jim Tozzi Presents Views on OIRA's Authority and Effectiveness under Obama at Penn Seminar

    NOAA Seeks Public Comment on Draft Oceans and Health Report

  • January 2010-

  • EPA Proposes New Ozone NAAQS

    EPA Publishes Final Toxicogenomic Risk Assessment Guidance

    CRE Tells Congress that the EDSP Violates the Congressional Review Act

    EPA Seeks Public Comment on Climate Change Document in order to Comply with IQA Guideline's Pre-dissemination Review Requirements