NOAA Is Reviewing Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale

On July 14, 2010, the Office of the National Marine Sanctuaries of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric  Administration published Federal Register notice that it has initiated a review of the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary management plan.  One purpose of this review is to evaluate substantive progress toward implementing the goals for the sanctuary.  Another purpose is to make revisions to its management plan and regulations as necessary to fulfill the purposes and policies of the NMSA and the Hawaiian Islands National Marine Sanctuary Act.

NOAA anticipates that completion of the revised management plan and concomitant documents will require approximately thirty-six months from the date of publication of their July 14th  Notice of Intent in the Federal Register. The management plan review process occurs concurrently with a public process under the National Environmental Policy Act.

NOAA will consider all comments on issues related to the continued management of Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary if NOAA receives them on or before October 16, 2010.

For further information contact Malia Chow, Policy Advisor, Telephone (808) 397-2651, or read NOAA’s Federal Register notice at

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