Public and Stakeholder Session of the National Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning Workshop

The National Ocean Council invites the public and stakeholders to join our members and Federal, tribal, and State representatives in a public session on Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) in Washington, DC on June 21, 2011. Gathering public feedback through this workshop is a critical step toward implementing a National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, our Coasts, and the Great Lakes (National Ocean Policy), as established by Executive Order under President Obama.

To engage the public in implementing CMSP in the United States, workshop participants will learn about CMSP and help shape how it can be used to help harmonize the often competing uses of these waters, such as national security, energy and economic security, and conservation. This national session will be followed by additional opportunities for public engagement through future regional workshops.

The National Ocean Policy sets a vision for America that ensures our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes are healthy and resilient, safe and productive, and understood and treasured so as to promote the well-being, prosperity, and security of present and future generations. To achieve this vision the National Ocean Policy establishes a comprehensive, collaborative, regionally based planning process called coastal and marine spatial planning. This process involves cooperative planning among Federal, State, and tribal authorities, and solicits extensive input from the public and stakeholders to develop an approach tailored to the unique needs of each region.

This public session will take place on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, in the Yates Auditorium at the U.S. Department of the Interior, located at 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC.

Space is limited.  To attend, interested parties should register by clicking here

For those who cannot attend the session in person or if interest exceeds capacity, it will also be available to the public through a live webcast on June 21, 2011 at

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