Pioneering Fish Map Môn project

From: World Fishing & Aquaculture

A pioneering project that will help shape a sustainable future for the fishing industry and marine wildlife was recently launched.

The project, Fish Map Môn, is being developed initially for the sea area around Anglesey and the Menai Strait. Information on fishing activity and intensity will be gathered from individual fishermen, which will then be combined with information on the area’s wildlife habitats and their sensitivity.

The maps produced will give a clear picture of the type and level of fishing activities taking place in various natural habitats. The maps will be a basis to develop options for sustainable fisheries management – showing which areas are vulnerable to fishing activities and others which are more robust. If successful, the project could be applied to other sea areas around Wales.

The Fish Map Môn project is run by the North Wales Fishermen’s Cooperative ltd, Bangor Mussel Producers ltd, the Welsh Federation of Sea Anglers and Countryside Council for Wales.

Morgan Parry. CCW’s Chairman said: “For an activity to be truly sustainable it has to look after the local economy and communities as well as the natural environment. This project is one of the best examples of collaboration between various interested parties to work towards a sustainable, workable future.

“This project has the potential to improve the management of our seas for the benefit of wildlife and for those whose livelihoods depend on them. It is in the interest of both biodiversity and the sustainability of the fishing industry to find agreed and sustainable solutions to fisheries management.”

James Wilson, on behalf of Bangor Mussel Producers ltd said: “We are happy to be involved in a closely integrated project that will examine, in an innovative way, the crossover between fisheries and environmental needs. We hope the work will provide information that, in time, will be useful for marine spatial planning and developing an ecosystem-based approach to managing the marine environment.”

The project will involve close co-operation with fishermen’s associations, and many other relevant organisations, including the Welsh Aquaculture Producers Assoc, Welsh Government, Environment Agency Wales, SeaFish, South and West Wales Fishing Communities Ltd, Cardigan Bay Fishermen’s Association, and relevant local authorities.

The project is funded by the EU and will help achieve the vision of the Wales Fisheries Strategy – to “support the development of viable and sustainable fisheries in Wales as an integral part of coherent policies for safeguarding the environment.”

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