CRE Response to Comments

CRE Response to Comments on
Its Draft Analysis of Section 5 of E.O. 13158

We very much appreciate the comments on the CRE draft comments submitted by Mr. Wehrly and Ms. Hervic. Such comments are very useful in identifying potential errors, omissions, or the need for clarification. Below are our tentative responses to what we perceive as the main points in the comments. If the commenters believe we have misunderstood their points, or wish to make additional points, we presume that they will send us additional comments sufficiently prior to September 21, 2009 (when public comments to MMS are due) so that we can give them adequate consideration prior to making our filing.

Because there is some overlap between the Wherly and Hervic comments, we are responding to them together.

ResponsetocommentsonCREanalysisofsec5ofEO8.19.09.doc (42 KB)

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