Promotion of OIRA Teaching Modules

          The OIRA Commons                             

               An OIRA that is understood is an OIRA that is respected.
                                OIRA Reference Library


Jim Tozzi

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness

Publications and Citations

                               Table of Contents
                                 Background Information

Building A Nationwide Constituency for OIRA

A Historical Note on Centralized  Regulatory Review

The Birth of a Regulation in Real Time

Letter to the President of the American Bar Association

Letter to ABA (Oct. 2016)

 Podcast Federalist Society

Beyond Administrative Law

Letter to the Association of American Law Schools

Letter to the ABA Accreditation Committee (Aug. 2016)

Legal Planet

Notice and Comment

The Need for an OIRA Teaching  Module

Designing A Broader Regulatory Practice Curriculum

The Regulatory State’s Seven Game Changers

Regulatory Budget

OIRA Care Package

A Blueprint for Regulatory Equilibrium

The Regulatory Budget

A Program to Develop a Nationwide Constituency for OIRA

Four Markers  for Restoring America’s Leadership in the Management of the Regulatory State

The President’s Budget as a Source of Agency Policy Control


The Initial Statutory Authority for OMB to Review Regulations

Announcement of Student Writing Contest

Questions and Reference Documents for Student Submissions

A Public Discussion Forum on Controlling Cumulative Regulatory Costs

Policy Communique with the Council on Foreign Relations

Restoring OIRA’s  Entrepreneurial Roots

Mission Statement to CRS and GAO

Focus on OIRAOIRA in the News OIRA WatchRegulatory Action of the Week

What is OIRA?

OIRA: The Cockpit of the Regulatory State


                               Completed  Teaching  Modules



                                     Modules Under Construction

Develop a Module and send it to CRE

  • Streamlining the Permit Process
  • Industry Sponsored Science
  • The Role of Regulatory Policy Officers
  • Non-regulatory Responsibilities of  OIRA
  • Non-Compliance Sanctions Against Agencies
  • Level of Agency Representation at OIRA
  • Retrospective Review of Regulations
  • Review of Consent Decrees
  • Review of Select DOJ Filings
  • Key Judicial Opinions
  • Regulatory Flexibility Act
  • The OIRA Module and e-rulemaking
  • The OIRA Module and the Federal Register
  • Links to Social Media
  • White House Bypass of OIRA
  • Congressional Review Act
  • Congressional Consultation
  • Press Contact
  • Contact with Academic Community
  • Periodic Review of the OIRA Module
  • Interagency Consultation
  • Recruitment of OIRA Personnel
  • OIRA Personnel Level
  • Controlling Cumulative Cost of Regulation
  • Appeals Process
  • Periodic Input: Public
  • Periodic Input: APSA, AALS, ABA, NAS, NAPA, NGOs
  • Reference Websites
  • FACA
  • Other Suggestions


Call for Papers

Please upload  relevant materials on The OIRA Module: Published Research. The following section explains how CRE will incorporate your submission into a module.

Modus Operandi

Individual authors submit papers using the mechanism in the upper right hand side of this page.  Our Page Editors will review the submissions and as appropriate incorporate them  into the relevant modules so noted on the following page.  Those with differing views may express their views on each module  by posting responses thereon.

Work in Progress

Published Research Submitted for Review

Regulatory Transactions


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Available Positions

Oversight Committee

Managing Editor

Chapter Editors

Page Editors

Liaison Representatives

 In conjunction with the Federal Focus Administrative Process Institute

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