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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

CEI Issues Report on Regulatory Reform
The Competitive Enterprise Institute ("CEI") has issued an important and thought-provoking report entitled Reviving Regulatory Reform: Options for the President and Congress. The report states that its purpose is to "reinvigorate public debate on regulatory reform, and help policymakers fashion a more affordable, effective, and accountable regulatory system." Among its many interesting recommendations for regulatory reform are:

  • OMB should produce an annual regulatory report card for the agencies.

  • OMB should create new categories of major rules that encompass the full cost of rules.

  • OMB should extend to independent agencies its review under statutes like the Paperwork Reduction Act and the Information Quality Act.

  • OMB should affirm that the Information Quality Act's petition process applies to rulemaking information, and that agency responses to petitions are subject to judicial review.
CRE recommends the CEI report to all interested in improving the federal regulatory process.
  • Click for CEI report