Computers and Information Technology

Red, White, and Blue Bar


    Office of Technology Assessment enabling legislation

2 USC Chap. 15 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    High-Performance Computing Act of 1991

15 USC 5501, P.L. 102-94 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986

18 USC 1030, P.L. 99-474 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Electronic Communications Privacy Act

18 USC 2701 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals With Disabilities Act of 1988 (Repealed)

29 USC 2201 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Computer Security Act of 1987

40 USC 759, 101 Stat. 1724, PL 100-235 (Dept. of Commerce)

    Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendment of 1996

P.L. 104-231 (Thomas, Library of Congress)

    Clinger-Cohen Act (formerly Information Technology Management Reform Act)


    E.O. 13130, National Infrastructure Assurance Council, July 14, 1999 (CIO Council)

    E.O. 13103, Computer Software Piracy, Oct. 1, 1998 (CIO Council)

    E.O. 13011, Federal Information Technology, July 16, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12999, Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for All Children in the Next Century, April 17, 1996 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12845, Requiring Agencies To Purchase Energy Efficient Computer Equipment, April 21, 1993 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 13073 On Year 2000 Conversion (GSA)

    Management of Federal Information Resources, OMB Circ. A-130, Feb. 8, 1996 (Dept. of Commerce)

    Security of Federal Automated Information Resources, App. 3 to OMB Circ. A-130, Feb. 8, 1996 (Dept. of Commerce)

    OMB Memorandum on "Funding Information Systems Investments", October 25,1996 - "Raines' Rules" (The Balanced Scorecard Institute)

    Federal Information Processing Standards (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

    PTO Examination Guidelines for Computer-related Inventions (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)

    Federal Guidelines for Searching and Seizing Computers (U.S. Dept. of Justice)


    Defense Advanced Research and Projects Agency (DARPA), DOD

    American Medical Association Opinions & Standards, Confidentiality: Computers, Part 507 (Health Law Resource)

    American Medical Association Opinions & Standards, Disclosure of Records to Data Collection Companies, Part 5.075 (Health Law Resource)

    CERT Coordination Center (Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University)

    Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center, Carnegie-Mellon University

    Computer Incidence Advisory Capability (U.S. Dept. of Energy)

    Computer and Information Technology: Special Publications (General Accounting Office)

    Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)

    Computers for Learning (General Services Administration)

    Defense Information Systems Agency, DOD

    Defense Technical Information Center, DOD

    Definitions of over 7,000 high tech terms (Computer Currents)

    Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

    Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

    Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

    International Legal Protection for Software (Fenwick and West LLP)

    Internet Fraud Complaint Center (Federal Bureau of Investigation, DOJ)

    Multiagency/Gwac Program Managers Compact: A Consensus on Principles Applicable to the Acquisition of Services under Multiagency Contracts and Governmentwide Acquisitions, September 9, 1997 (DoD)

    NASA Commercial Technology Network (NASA)

    National Coordination Office for Computing, Information, and Communications

    National Institute of Standards and Technology, DOC

    National Technology Transfer Center (Dept. of Education)

    Office of Technology Assessment (Archive)

    Office of Technology Assessment complete collection of publications with additional materials on the history and impact of the agency (Princeton University)

    Section of Science and Technology (American Bar Association)

    NIST Virtual Library (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

    Web Accessibility Initiative



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