2011—The Year of OIRA

 2011 marked the thirtieth anniversary of OIRA. During the past year OIRA has received considerable attention, probably more than it has in a number of years.

However no one event was more significant than the symposium sponsored by the  George Washington Regulatory Studies  Center.

 All former Administrators and Deputy Administrators were asked to describe their experience at OIRA. Fortunately the Administrative Law Review published their presentations in a landmark edition, Volume 63, Special Edition.

 The table of contents of the aforementioned Administrative Law Review is attached hereto.

 The experiences of the former OIRA managers transcend nearly a half century and reflect the views of civil servants and political appointees of both parties, Of particular note are their recommendations for improving OIRA.

 This vast reservoir of knowledge should be examined and reviewed by the current managers of OIRA and hopefully addressed in the next annual report prepared by OIRA.

 Therefore on this last day of 2011, we encourage our readers to review the articles and post their reactions  below or in the Discussion Forum to the right of this post so that OIRA, the public and relevant stakeholders might benefit from a public peer review of the resultant recommendations.

ALR Table of Contents 2011

CRE Library on Centralized Regulatory Review


Twenty Years   War

Twenty Years  War  Appendix

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