OSTP Sound Science Bill Passes the House

The House passed the Sound Science in Agency Rulemaking Act as an amendment to HR 4078, The Regulatory Freeze for Jobs Act of 2012.

 The Sound Science Act compels OSTP to comply with the sound science principals comparable to those in the Data Quality Act and requires federal agencies to also comply with the said principals.

 Of equal significance, the Sound Science Act states very explicitly that “a policy decision of an agency that does not comply with guidelines approved under subsection (c) shall be deemed to be arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and otherwise not in accordance with law”

 The Sound Science Act is sending a strong message to Executive Branch agencies; continued failure to comply with sound science will result in a judicial review of their actions.

 See the supporting documents below and an earlier CRE article on this bill

Sound Science HR5952 DC 062212



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