August 19, 2015

OIRA Teaching Module

Table of Contents


OIRA: The Cockpit of the Regulatory State

Request for White Papers  on any of  the above topics, the  following or others

  • The Role of Regulatory Policy Officers
  • Non-Compliance Sanctions Against Agencies
  • Level of Agency Representation at OIRA
  • Retrospective Review of Regulations
  • Review of Consent Decrees
  • Review of Select DOJ Filings
  • Key Judicial Opinions
  • Regulatory Flexibility Act
  • The OIRA Module and e-rulemaking
  • The OIRA Module and the Federal Register
  • Links to Social Media
  • White House Bypass of OIRA
  • Congressional Review Act
  • Congressional Consultation
  • Press Contact
  • Contact with Academic Community
  • Periodic Review of the OIRA Module
  • Interagency Consultation
  • Recruitment of OIRA Personnel
  • OIRA Personnel Level
  • Controlling Cumulative Cost of Regulation
  • Extension to Independent Agencies
  • Appeals Process
  • Periodic Input: Public
  • Periodic Input: APSA, AALS, ABA, NAS, NAPA, NGOs
  • Reference Websites
  • FACA
  • Other Suggestions

Call for Papers   We Welcome Receiving Papers from  Students Enrolled in Economics,  Finance, Law, Public Policy, Political Science,  and Public Administration

Please publish relevant materials on The OIRA Module: Published Research; CRE will upload them into the appropriate link on the above homepage or in the alternative send the material to CRE and we will post it.

Modus Operandi

Individual authors submit papers to the aforementioned website; our Page Editors will review the submissions and as appropriate incorporate them  into the relevant chapters identified above. Those with differing views may express their views on each chapter by posting responses thereon.

Work in Progress

Published Research Submitted for Review

Regulatory Transactions


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Available Positions

Oversight Committee

Managing Editor

Chapter Editors

Page Editors

Liaison Representatives

 In conjunction with the Federal Focus Administrative Process Institute

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