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CSPI Embraces Data Quality Act
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) appears to have become a fan of the Data Quality Act. At least that's Winston's conclusion after reading the organization's press release about their seminar on the supposed manipulation of science by corporate interests. One the goals of the conference is to provide remedies "to improve the transparency of the federal scientific advisory process..." Obviously CSPI must be embracing application of the Data Quality Act to federal science advisory groups, such as EPA's Science Advisory Board, and to third-party data. After all, ensuring transparency of scientific and other government-disseminated data is the primary goal of the Data Quality Act and agency-specific Data Quality guidelines contain detailed procedures and standards for achieving transparency in all information disseminations. Of course it could be possible that CSPI doesn't really favor the Data Quality Act but is only touting transparency as a cover for advancing their own highly-biased agenda. However, Winston refuses to believe that CSPI would engage in such media manipulation.

  • Click to read the CSPI press release

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